Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan will unveil a 108-feet-tall statue of ‘Adi Shankaracharya’ in Omkareshwar on September 18.
Chief Minister Chouhan on Tuesday evening reviewed the work for the statue named “Eaktmta Ki Pratima” (Statue of Oneness).
The Madhya Pradesh cabinet had approved over Rs 2,141 crore for the construction of the Statue of Oneness project.
The towering structure is dedicated to the 8th century philosopher, an influential and revered figure in Hinduism ‘Adi Shankaracharya’
Omkareshwar, located about 80km from Indore on the Narmada river banks, is a global centre of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy promoted by Adi Shankaracharya.
The construction of the statue on the Mandhata mountain in the temple town is part of the first phase of the development project, an official release said.
The multi-metal statue depicts Adi Shankaracharya as a 12-year-old boy. The video of the under-developed project was released by the state government on Wednesday.
According to religious beliefs, Adi Shankaracharya left Omkareshwar at the age of 12 and travelled across the country spreading the Advaita Vedanta philosophy and explaining its tenets to people.
He is believed to have reached Omkareshwar after becoming a ‘sanyasi’ (monk) at a very young age, where he met his guru Govind Bhagwadpad and stayed in the religious city for four years and attained education.
The state government informed that along with the establishment of a museum named “Advaita Lok” in Omkareshwar and an international Vedanta institute, an “Advaita Forest” is also being developed across 36 hectares in the town.
“All required works have been completed near the statue site. Priority has also been given to complete the work expeditiously for the establishment of a special museum focused on unity and the Advaita Vedanta Institute,” the government said.
The statue is being unveiled just months ahead of the year-end assembly elections in the state