Kevat – Bhagwan Ram, Meri Naiya Paar Karo
By: Rajender Kapil
The character of Kevat in the Ramayana is one of innocence and devotion. When we think of Kevat, an image comes to mind of him sitting at Lord Ram’s feet, washing them with great reverence, and then drinking that sacred water, feeling blessed beyond measure.
When Lord Ram was exiled to the forest, He left Ayodhya dressed as a hermit, accompanied by Lakshman and Sita. The citizens of Ayodhya, unable to part from their beloved Lord, followed Him wherever He went. As He traveled, He eventually reached the banks of the Ganga. After consulting with Sumant Kaka, Lord Ram decided to cross the river quietly to separate from the people so they could return to their homes and resume their daily lives. But the question arose—who would take them across the river?
This is where Kevat makes his entrance in the Ramayana. A simple boatman who earned his livelihood by rowing his boat throughout the day. When Lord Ram heard about him, He sent for him. Kevat arrived, and Lord Ram requested him to ferry them across.
“Magi naav na Kevatu aana, kahai tumhaar maram main jaana”
Kevat had already heard stories about Lord Ram. He knew of the miracle where Lord Ram’s divine touch had restored Ahilya from a stone to her human form.
“Charan kamal raj kahu sab kahai, manush karan moori kachhu ahai”
O Lord, everyone says that the dust of Your feet carries magic—it can transform even a stone into a woman.
“Chhuat sila bhai naari suhaayi, paahan te na kaath kathinaayi”
“Ehi prtipaalun sabu parivaaru, nahin jaanun kachhu aur kabaaru”
When Your divine touch turned a rock into a beautiful woman, what will happen to my wooden boat? Wood is much softer than stone. If my boat transforms into something else, I will lose my only means of livelihood. How will this poor boatman then feed his family? I know no other trade, my Lord. But since You have asked, I will certainly help You. However, I have one humble request—if You grant it, both of our concerns will be resolved.
Lord Ram smiled and said, “Tell me what you wish.” Kevat humbly replied:
“Jau prabhu paar avasi ga chahahu, mohi pad padum pakharan kahahu”
If You truly wish to cross, please allow me to wash Your feet first. Only then will I be assured that my boat will remain unchanged, and I will gladly ferry You across.
Hearing Kevat’s innocent words, Lord Ram smiled and agreed. Kevat quickly brought a bowl filled with water and washed the Lord’s feet with utmost devotion.
“Pad kamal dhoi chadhai naav na naath utarai chahou”
“Mohi Ram raur aan Dashrath sapath sab saanchi kahou”
“Baru teer maarahu Lakhan pai jab lagi na paay pakharhion”
“Tab lagi na Tulsidas naath kripaal paar utarhion”
Tulsi Das beautifully captures this scene. Kevat says, “My Lord, I will not take any fare for this service. But if You do not agree, then Lakshman may shoot me with his arrow, yet I will not ferry You across until I have washed Your feet.”
Hearing Kevat’s devotion-filled yet amusing words, Lord Ram, Sita, and Lakshman looked at each other and smiled, as if wondering, What should we do with such a loving devotee?
Tulsi Das describes this moment poetically:
“Jaasu naam sumirat ek baara, utarahi nar bhavsindhu apaara”
“Soi kripalu Kevatahi nihora, jehi jagu kiya tihu pagahu te thora”
The same Lord Ram, whose very name can help people cross the endless ocean of life, today, due to His devotee’s love, is humbly getting His feet washed just to cross a river. Seeing this, even the gods in heaven became envious of Kevat’s fortune.
“Barshi suman sur sakal sihaahin, ehi sam punyapunj kou naahin”
The gods showered flowers from the sky, admiring the divine grace bestowed upon Kevat.
After keeping his word, Kevat finally rowed Lord Ram, Lakshman, and Sita across the river. Upon reaching the other shore, he folded his hands in gratitude, seeking permission to take leave. Lord Ram hesitated, feeling that Kevat had served Him so much, yet He had nothing to offer him in return. Sita, sensing Her husband’s thoughts, quickly removed a ring from Her finger and handed it to Lord Ram to give to Kevat as a reward.
“Piy hiy ki Siy jaan nihaari, mani mudri man mudit utaari”
“Kaheu kripaal lehu utarai, Kevat charan gahe akulaayi”
However, upon receiving the ring, Kevat immediately fell at Lord Ram’s feet and, overwhelmed with devotion, said:
“Naath aaj main kaahu na paava, mite dosh dukh darid dawaa”
“Bahut kaal main keenh majoori, aaj deenh bidh bana bhal bhuri”
O Lord, today I have received the greatest reward of all. My sins, sorrows, and poverty have been washed away. I have worked for wages all my life, but today, in just one moment of serving You, I have earned the richest blessing. I desire no other reward.
Kevat then made one last request:
“Ab kachhu Naath na chaahiye more, deen dayaal anugrah tore”
O compassionate Lord, I ask for nothing else. Just grant me one final boon—when my journey of life comes to an end, please let me find refuge in Your divine boat, and ferry me across the ocean of existence.
Such was the divine meeting between Lord Ram and Kevat—a simple yet profound exchange of love between a devotee and his Lord. With deep reverence, I bow at the feet of such a great devotee, Kevat, and his supremely merciful Lord, Shri Ram!