![Similarities between Ramcharitmanas and Bhagavad Gita: Part Two – Characteristics and Examples of Devotion in Both Works](https://indoustribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Screenshot_13-9-2024_23926_.jpeg)
Similarities between Ramcharitmanas and Bhagavad Gita: Part Two – Characteristics and Examples of Devotion in Both Works
By: Rajendra Kapil
Ramcharitmanas is an ocean of devotion. The uninterrupted flow of devotion runs through every kand (chapter). On the other hand, the 12th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is considered the
chapter of Bhakti Yoga (The Path of Devotion). In this chapter, Lord Krishna provides a detailed
explanation of the characteristics of devotion and the devotee in response to a question by
Arjuna. In the very first verse, Arjuna asks:
एवं सततयुक्ता ये भक्तास्त्वां पर्युपासते
ये चाप्यक्षरमव्यक्तं तेषां के योगवित्तमा: || 1||
“Those who worship You with exclusive devotion, and those who meditate on the
imperishable and formless, which of them is superior in Yoga?”
In response, Lord Krishna says:
ये तु सर्वाणि कर्माणि मयि संन्न्यस्य मत्पर:
अनन्येनैव योगेन मां ध्यायन्त उपासते || 6||
“Those who dedicate all their actions to Me, considering Me as their ultimate goal,
and worship Me with undivided devotion and meditation.”
मय्येव मन आधत्स्व मयि बुद्धिं निवेशय
निवसिष्यसि मय्येव अत ऊर्ध्वं न संशय: || 8||
“Fix your mind and intellect upon Me alone. If you do so, you will certainly live in
Me, without a doubt.”
Here, the Lord clearly praises the worship of the sagun saroop (form with attributes). He
emphasizes that a devotee’s unwavering focus and eternal contemplation make devotion
superior. A devotee who dedicates themselves to Me with all their heart and soul will
undoubtedly reside in Me. Such devotees, who worship Me with form and attributes, are very
dear to Me. There is no doubt about it.
If the Bhagavad Gita outlines the traits of devotion, Ramcharitmanas brings those traits to life
through characters. Among these characters, Hanuman Ji and Vibhishan Ji stand out as the
supreme devotees. Their very existence begins with the name of Lord Ram, and their entire lives
are seen dedicated to His service. When Hanuman Ji first meets Lord Ram in the Kishkindha
Kanda, he immediately recognizes Him and, at that very moment, falls at His feet, overwhelmed
with devotion:
ता पर मैं रघुबीर दोहाई, जानऊँ नहि कछु भजन उपाई
अस कहि परेउ चरन अकुलाई, निज तनु प्रगटी प्रीति उर लाई
“I know not the means of worship, O Raghubir! Saying this, he fell at the feet of
Lord Ram, revealing his form with deep love.”
Seeing Hanuman Ji fall at His feet, Lord Ram lovingly lifted him up and embraced him. He then
declared that although everyone calls Me impartial, no one is dearer to Me than My devotee:
समदरसी मोहि कह सब कोऊ, सेवक प्रिय अनन्य गति सोऊ
सो अनन्य जाके असि मति न टरइ हनुमंत
मैं सेवक सचराचर रूप, स्वामी भगवंत
“Everyone calls Me impartial, but one who has exclusive devotion like Hanuman is
dearest to Me. I am his servant and he is My Master.”
Ram was so impressed with Hanuman’s devotion that He gave him more importance than even
His own brother Lakshman:
सुनु कपि ज़िय मानसि जनि ऊना, तै मम प्रिय लछिमन ते दूना
“Listen, O Hanuman! Do not think lesser of yourself; you are twice as dear to Me
as Lakshman.”
Even in the Hanuman Chalisa, Tulsidas Ji wrote:
रघुपति कीन्ही बहुत बड़ाई, तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई
“Lord Ram greatly praised you, saying, ‘You are as dear to Me as My brother
In the Bhagavad Gita’s 12th chapter, Lord Krishna continues to elaborate on the characteristics
of a true devotee:
अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्र: करुण एव च
निर्ममो निरहङ्कार: समदु:खसुख: क्षमी || 13||
Translation: “A devotee does not harbor hatred for any being, is friendly and compassionate, is
free from attachment and ego, and remains even-minded in happiness and distress.”
सन्तुष्ट: सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढनिश्चय:
मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्त: स मे प्रिय: || 14||
“A devotee who is ever content, who has a controlled mind, firm resolve, and has
surrendered both mind and intellect to Me, such a devotee is very dear to Me.”
Now, compare these traits with the character of Hanuman Ji. He harbors no hatred, meets
everyone with love and enthusiasm, and is always ready to serve Lord Ram. Hanuman remains
calm even when bound by Indrajit’s Brahmastra and brought to Ravana’s court. He maintains
his composure, laughing and joking even in captivity. After being sentenced to have his tail set
on fire, Hanuman calmly accepts it and, while chanting “Jai Shri Ram,” destroys Lanka. Despite
all this, Hanuman remains humble and ego-less. When he returns to Lord Ram, and Ram asks
कहु कपि रावन पालित लंका, केहि बिधि दहेऊ दुर्ग अति बंका
“O Hanuman, tell me how you burned Ravana’s mighty fortress?”
Hanuman replies humbly:
साखा मृग कै बड़ी मनुसाई, साखा ते साखा पर जाई
नाघि सिंधु हाटक पुर जारा, निसीचर गन बधि बिपिन उजारा
सो सब प्रताप रघुराई, नाथ न कछु मोरि प्रभुताई
“Lord, I am but a mere monkey, adept only at jumping from branch to branch.
Whatever happened was only due to Your grace, not my power.”
This humility and complete surrender to the Lord define Hanuman’s devotion, leaving Ram
deeply moved. He then tells everyone:
निर्मल मन जन सो मोहि भावा, मोहि कपट छल छिद्र न भावा
“I am pleased only by a pure heart. I detest deceit and cunning.”
Another beautiful verse from the Gita describes the behavior of a devotee:
यो न हृष्यति न द्वेष्टि न शोचति न काङ् क्षति
शुभाशुभपरित्यागी भक्तिमान्य: स मे प्रिय: || 17||
“He who neither rejoices nor hates, neither grieves nor desires, who renounces
both good and evil actions, such a devotee is dear to Me.”
सम: शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयो:
शीतोष्णसुखदु:खेषु सम: सङ्गविवर्जित: || 18||
“One who is free from attachment, treats friends and foes alike, and remains
undisturbed in both honor and dishonor, heat and cold, happiness and distress, such a devotee is
dear to Me.”
In the Ayodhya Kanda of Ramcharitmanas, after Ram’s wedding, King Dasharath prepares to
crown Ram as the heir to the throne. The entire city of Ayodhya is overjoyed with this news.
However, fate takes a turn due to the conspiracy of Manthara and Kaikeyi, and instead of being
crowned, Ram is sent to exile. Despite this drastic change in fortune, Ram’s face remains calm.
As Tulsidas Ji writes:
रामजी का मुखारविंद न तो राज्याभिषेक की बात सुन कर प्रसन्न हुआ, और न ही वनवास की बात सुन कर
मलिन हुआ।
“Ram’s face did not brighten at the news of his coronation, nor did it darken at the
news of his exile.”
This serene and unperturbed nature of Lord Ram is a source of inspiration for all.
Lastly, in Ramcharitmanas, there is also Vibhishan, another devoted character. Ravan constantly
ridicules him for his simplicity and devotion. However, Vibhishan remains unaffected by both
praise and criticism, living according to the traits of a true devotee. Even after being insulted and
kicked out of the court by Ravan for giving wise counsel to return Sita, Vibhishan remains calm
and says:
रामु सत्य संकल्प प्रभु, सभा काल बस तोरि
मैं रघुबीर सरन अब, जाऊँ देहु जनि खोरी
“Lord Ram is true to His word. I now seek shelter with Him. Do not stop me,
Thus, it becomes clear that while the Bhagavad Gita outlines
the characteristics of devotion, Ramcharitmanas illustrates
them through the lives of its characters, such as Hanuman
and Vibhishan.