The Sage Tradition in the Ramcharitmanas
By: Rajendra Kapil Fourth Chapter – Guru of the Raghu Dynasty, Rishi VashisthaRishi Vashistha was the esteemed royal guru of the Raghu dynasty, serving from the time of King Dilip, followed by King Aja, and later, King Dasharatha. During the Ramayana period, King Dasharatha
Rishi Tradition in Ramcharitmanas: The Journey of Rishi Vishwamitra
By: Rajendra KapilSecond Rishi – Brahma Rishi VishwamitraRishi Vishwamitra has made a significant contribution to the life of Lord Rama. He was the very sage who recognized the unparalleled valor of Rama and Lakshmana. Vishwamitra was born into a Kshatriya family in the
रामचरित मानस में प्रवाहित ऋषि परम्परा
By: Rajendra Kapilदूसरा सोपान- ब्रह्म ऋषि विश्वामित्रऋषि विश्वामित्र का रामजी के जीवन में बहुत बड़ा योगदान है. सबसे पहले यह ऋषि विश्वामित्र ही थे, जिन्होंने राम और लखन के अदम्य शौर्य को पहचाना था. विश्वामित्र का जन्म राजा गाधि के कुल में एक